Fabio Monzani


  • Role
  • UX/UI Designer
  • Responsabilities
  • UX/UI designer
  • Year
  • 2020 - Ongoing

Pod Point is a leading UK provider of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles. It provides charging units for home, business and public use. My main role as Lead UX/UI designer here at Pod Point is to maintain the existing products, like the Pod Point App and services while working on new features and creating the products that are going to shape the future of the company. As electric vehicles keep rising in popularity, so is demand for charging infrastructure and our products, which always offer a challenging experience when researching how to shape the future of a fairly new industry. Talking and listening to user needs and feedback has been key in the creation and development of new products, while balancing the current industry tech limitations and expanding styling and brand guidelines. Everyday working at Pod Point has been a full dive into an ever changing industry that still has a lot of complexities with a steep learning curve.

  • Role
  • Senior UX/UI Designer
  • Responsabilities
  • Web3 UX/UI designer
  • Year
  • 2021 - 2024

Loki.code is a DevOps platform for Web3 teams developing dApps to easily manage, compile, test, and deploy smart contracts. In the role of Leading Web3 UX/UI designer at Loki.code my main responsibilities are to bridge the technical understanding of Web3 and blockchain with simple designs in order to create a developer-oriented platform to onboard Web2 developers into Web3 but also offer a reliable product for seasoned and experienced Web3 developers. Loki.code was selected among hundreds of applicants to the Techstars Web3 accelerator exactly for these characteristics as we conitnue to grow our offering and product to decentralised teams.

  • Role
  • UX/UI Designer
  • Responsabilities
  • Design, development and photography
  • Year
  • 2023

Fana's Kitchen is an authentic Italian restaurant and take-away located in the heart of Sydney, Australia.
The main goal was to tell their story and showcase their creation, helping the business to attract more customers and present their food offering and catering menu.
As a designer, I have been leading the website design and development, as well as directing the food photography through the use of AI.
All food images in the menu section have been created using AI, trying to craft prompt that would generate results closer to the real plates.

  • Role
  • UX/UI Designer
  • Responsabilities
  • UX/UI designer
  • Illustrator
  • Year
  • 2018 - 2020

SAM Labs is an EdTech company that provides software, hardware and content to teachers, creating the necessary confidence for teaching STEAM and coding to kids. My main role as UX/UI designer was to improve and redesign SAM Space, the flagship app for iOS, Android, Windows and Chromebook. While doing that, I had to keep in mind existing users, devices and content designed to be working with the app. At the same time, bluetooth hardware blocks needed to be easy to recognise and pair to the device, creating a seamless and “magic” experience. Talking to teachers and users in general to collect data and research alongside our UX researcher was one of the main task during the design process. I also had the opportunity to touch into different departments, like content and manufacture, to bring the same user experience across the company products.

  • Company
  • Meccanoplastica Group
  • Role
  • Icon Designer
  • Responsabilities
  • Machinery icons design
  • Year
  • 2022

ORDERLY is a Sydney-based startup dedicated to solving the problem of an all-in-one inventory solution to manage every ordering need for the modern hospitality business. Most restaurants and hospitality businesses across the industry still use very antiquated methods for collecting orders, like fax machines and pen and paper to do stock and inventory. The goal was to create an integrated platform targeted to the broad hospitality industry to manage products, providers and make orders and stocks of new supplies easy and seamless. The entire project including the MVP launch was kept to a 3 months minimum in which I had to work around the clock to carry out all the design processes that are included below.

  • Company
  • Role
  • UX/UI Designer
  • Co-Founder
  • Responsabilities
  • UX/UI designer
  • Illustrator
  • Year
  • 2016 - 2018

ORDERLY is a Sydney-based startup dedicated to solving the problem of an all-in-one inventory solution to manage every ordering need for the modern hospitality business. Most restaurants and hospitality businesses across the industry still use very antiquated methods for collecting orders, like fax machines and pen and paper to do stock and inventory. The goal was to create an integrated platform targeted to the broad hospitality industry to manage products, providers and make orders and stocks of new supplies easy and seamless. The entire project including the MVP launch was kept to a 3 months minimum in which I had to work around the clock to carry out all the design processes that are included below.

  • Company
  • Rover Stay Over
  • Role
  • UX/UI Designer
  • Responsabilities
  • UX/UI designer
  • Branding
  • Year
  • 2016 - 2018

Rover Stay Over is a Sydney based startup for pet lovers and pet owners. Rover Stay Over finds a local trusted sitter to care for your pet while you're away from home.


  • Mockreate AI

Mockreate AI is a Figma plugin to generate random data quickly to fill tables and designs in general. With Mockreate you can choose from default datasets, random math, import your custom JSON data and much more.

  • Cryptofonts

Cryptofonts is the leading project for open-source, crisp cryptocurrency webfont, icons and SVG offering a free API used by leading industry providers in the Web3 space.

  • Molteni

A proof-of-concept for realtime 3D made in Unreal Engine for Molteni to explore VR and realtime features to better deliver and improve customer experience.
A collaboration with the Italian architect Simone Filippi.



I have been designing and developing user experiences and interfaces for over 10 years. I live and work in London, where I create visuals compelling and user-friendly interfaces, using the latest tools and technologies. With a background in multiple industries and countries, I am passionate about designing functional products with an eye for details striving to find simple solution for complex problems. Focused on creating the right solution across all platform and devices aiming to create the best User Experience in response of specific needs.